"No One is going to be a bigger advocate for you, than you."

"No One is going to be a bigger advocate for you, than you."

- Perfected chaos

Hundreds of interviews and one common theme, confidence is key to most anything. Or, is it? Countless interviews over a decade of time, going over what each role entails and the proverbial checklist of skills required to adequately do the job. It’s almost never about the role, but rather, the person interviewing for the role. […]

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That Mom Life


I’ve been living a double life. Before you jump to conclusions and say to yourself, “I knew it! I knew she would (fill in the blank)!” let me explain. Most of you who know me might be surprised to find out that in between being a mom to my two young boys, navigating marriage and […]



Work-life Balance is What You Allow

At the end of the interview, candidates almost always say, “tell me about the work-life balance”. To which I would reply… “tell me what’s important to you”. Before we get into that, what exactly is work-life balance? Google will tell you; “Work-life balance is the state where a person chooses to equally prioritize the demands of […]


Urban mom crossing the street

That Mom Life

Mom Guilt and Our Inner Critic

If you’re a the kind of mom who doesn’t have it all figured out, this post is for you. Somewhere along the way, shortly after maternity leave, many of us rejoin the workforce and begin to feel the gravitational pull of guilt. Mom guilt and our inner critic leads us to believe we are less […]



Advice Column

As Women, We Strive For Perfection

I once read somewhere your imperfections are your beauty marks.. and I loved that. As women, in particular, we strive for perfection. Perfection is our guiding principle, a marker to define who we are in society. We’re told to hide our crazy. To fake it till we make it. Add in the complexities of social […]


Motivational quote on sweatshirt


3 Steps to Getting What You Want in Life

“LIFE IS YOUR RESTAURANT AND I’M YOUR MAITRE D”- ALADDIN You must ask for what you want in life, don’t just expect it to come to you. Did I just quote Aladdin? Sure did. Disney is kinda genius when it comes to life advice if you aren’t too immersed to hear it. Order Up! If […]


make your stress work for you, modern bathroom with tub

Advice Column

10 Ways to Make Your Stress Work For You

“Tension exists throughout the entire body. How it affects you depends on how you manage it. There was a study out of Amsterdam that shows when you touch a stuffed animal (especially is you have low self esteem) it helps relieve anxiety. Some people can self regulate by breathing, meditation, exercise. They develop tools that […]


create the life you're excited to live

Advice Column

How to create the kind of life you’re excited to live

Are you actually interested in your own life? That’s a loaded question, but really, think about it. Did you create the kind of life you’re excited to live? So often we immerse ourselves into everyone else’s life without even knowing it. We envy other people and what they have going on, instead of creating a […]


That Mom Life

Meal Planning Made Easy

It’s that time a day where you ask the dreaded question, “What’s for dinner?” The back-n-forth dialogue between you and your person goes something like this.. “I don’t know what do you want?” “Maybe chicken tacos?” “No, I don’t really feel like that” “How about a salad?” “Eh…” “Stir fry?” “Nah” “Do you have any […]


relaxed mindset

That Mom Life

How to Stay Relaxed After Vacation

You know the feeling.. you are a few hours into being at your destination and the calmness just covers you like a warm blanket. All you want to do is figure out how to stay relaxed after vacation.. you may have even whispered out loud, can we bottle this feeling up and take it home? […]


Multi-passionate creative, creator of 2, cocktails-well any time and fashion I cant afford. 

hi, i'm lisa.
your go-to guide  transforming your chaos
to clarity.

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         Short posts made for women on the go
         Posts you can read while at the field or on the subway

         Because your time is valuable.. but sometimes you need a breather. 

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